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Cricket Match for Employees, Howzzat?!

Teams playing cricket
CbS constantly work towards managing different events for employees to keep them relaxed, motivated and update, giving sometime away from the normal work routine. This time CbS decided to implement a wonderful idea of having Cricket match for Employees to encourage the sportsmanship of every individual. The match was held on 28 Feb 2015 at Chilla Sports Complex, New Delhi. 

The players were divided in 2 teams. The teams were named as Speeders and Bolders. Mr. Inderjeet Yadav was the Captain of the Speeders Team and Mr. Raj Verma, was heading the Bolders Team.

Mr. Praveen Gupta, Managing Director, Arun Manufacturing Ltd, Delhi was invited as the Chief Guest. We really thank him for sparing time for the match, his presence made the team more encouraged. Everyone enjoyed the match and the delicious snacks & soft drinks in the interval. Bolders Team, captained by Mr. Raj Kumar Verma was the winner of the Match. Players like Jitendra, Shokeen, Tapas, Deendayal, Gaurav have really performed well not only with the bat, rather with the ball and contributing their 100% in the field as well. Thanks to our umpires (Mr. P. D. Singh & Mr. Ankur Bass & statisticians (Mr. Nem Singh) done a great job and gives a transparent decisions.
Mr. Shaukeen from Speeders Team was awarded for the Man of the Match. Mr. Jitender from Bolders team was awarded for the best Bowling. Mr. Jitendra Kumar from Speeders Team was awarded as the Best Batsman. All the players really performed great in the match and tried all their best to make their teams win. 

Mr. Praveen Gupta (Chief Guest), Presenting award to the winning team (CbS Bolders)

Everyone congratulated the Winning Team. Our Directors, Managers and the Chief Guest congratulated everyone for showing such a nice sportsmanship spirit on the field. Thanks to the match coordinators for organizing the event in such a wonderful way and The CbS Managing Director, Mr. Sunjay Agarwal for taking such a great initiative. 

Best Bowler-Mr. Jitender (left), Man of the Match-Mr. Shoukeen (Centre) & The Best Batsman-Mr. Jitendra
CbS Members at Chilla Sports Complex, New Delhi 


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