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Bio Toilet - Working and Advantages

Bio toilet disintegrates and decomposes the human waste into water and biogas. The decomposition is carried out by bacteria in the Bio-digestion tank. Bio-toilets are environment-friendly and reduces the sewage problem and also reduces the water consumption in the toilets. As traditional toilets requires 3-6 litres of flushing, but bio-toilet requires only .5 to 1 liters. Working of Bio Toilet Bio-toilets contains of two parts, one is the toilet cabin and other is the Bio Digester Tank. The toilet outlet is connected with digester tank. The bio digester tank is divided into multiple sections to process the human waste in different stages. Once the human waste is flushed through the toilet, the waste goes into the bio digester tank. The Anaerobic bacteria present in the bio digester tank starts to digest the human waste. These anaerobic materials can withstand a long range of temperatures ranging from  -40⁰C to 45⁰C . These anaerobic bacteria decompose the human waste

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Contamination in Hydraulic Oil? We got a solution.

Hydraulic oil is a sensitive mineral based oil and is used widely in the manufacturing units to transfer power in hydraulic machinery. However, hydraulic oil is also responsible for lubrication, cooling, sealing and removing contamination and wear materials. All of these functions need to be considered when choosing an oil.  Types of hydraulic oil: The three most common varieties of hydraulic oils found on the market today are petroleum-based (mineral) oil, water-based oil and synthetic oil. Biodegradable oils are becoming increasingly important. Petroleum-based oils  are made by refining crude oil to a desired level. Additives are added to improve lubricant performance. These oils offer a lower cost alternative to other oil types and performance is often adequate. Water-based oils  are the least common of the fluid types. These fluids are typically required where there is a high probability of fire. They are more expensive than petroleum but less expensive than synthetics. While the