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Transformer Oil Filtration - is it good or bad?

A static device which transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through the process of electromagnetic induction is know as Transformer. It is most commonly used to increase or decrease voltage levels between circuits.

Since transformer oil also know as insulating oil works as a coolant also, so it has to be stable at very high temperatures, in both electrical and chemical conditions. Therefore, the transformer oil must have a high flash point of about 140° Celsius or higher, a low pour point of about -30° Celsius or less, and a dielectric breakdown voltage of about 28 to 30 kilo volts or higher.

Advantages of Transformer Oil Filtration

The transformer oil filtration becomes necessary as with time the transformer oil or insulation oil gets contaminated with dirt, moisture and dissolved gases. The timely and regular filtration of transformer oil ensures longer transformer's life.

  • Transformer oil filtration process not only maintains but also increases its insulating properties. The contamination like dirt and sludge reduces the insulating capacity of the oil. For this a filtration machine for transformer oil is needed here which is capable of removing all the impurities.
  • With getting oil free from impurities the transformer will also have a good and longer life than the transformer using same old oil.
  • The regular filtration also helps in maintaining or regaining the breakdown voltage of the transformer oil with every filtration process.

If not filtered the transformer oil can have the following adverse effect on the transformer's working efficiency:
  • Breakdown of the system due to the formation of electric arc also known as arcing.
  • Oil with impurities will lead to loss in the cooling properties of the insulating oil, which in result will lead to the fast overheating of the whole system.
  • Will lead to corona discharge where the ionization of the fluid through electric discharge will occur.
  • Decrease in the insulating capability of the transformer oil.

The timely filtration leads to the well functioning of the transformer, to check this the regular tests can be conducted.

Some Tests and Their Values for the Oil

(will be continued in the next blog)

Portable Transformer Oil Filtration Machine
Portable Transformer Oil Filtration Machine
Transformer Oil Filtration System (Single Stage)
Transformer Oil Filtration Machine - Single Stage

Transformer Oil filtration System (Double Stage)
Transformer Oil Filtration Machine - Double Stage
NAS Transformer Oil Filtration Machine
NAS Transformer Oil Filtration Machine

Transformer Oil Reclamation Machine
Transformer Oil Reclamation Machine
Transformer Oil Online Dry-Out System
Transformer Oil Online Dry-Out System
For more information regarding Transformer Oil Filtration Machine, feel free to contact us:
Toll Free Number: 1800-212-4645


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